Author = Busse, Reinhard
Dual Agency in Hospitals: What Strategies Do Managers and Physicians Apply to Reconcile Dilemmas Between Clinical and Economic Considerations?

Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2022, Pages 1823-1834


Ruth Waitzberg; Nora Gottlieb; Wilm Quentin; Reinhard Busse; Dan Greenberg

Effects of Activity-Based Hospital Payments in Israel: A Qualitative Evaluation Focusing on the Perspectives of Hospital Managers and Physicians

Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2021, Pages 244-254


Ruth Waitzberg; Wilm Quentin; Elad Daniels; Yael Paldi; Reinhard Busse; Dan Greenberg

Exploring Health System Responsiveness in Ambulatory Care and Disease Management and its Relation to Other Dimensions of Health System Performance (RAC) – Study Design and Methodology

Volume 4, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 431-437


Julia Röttger; Miriam Blümel; Susanne Engel; Brigitte Grenz-Farenholtz; Sabine Fuchs; Roland Linder; Frank Verheyen; Reinhard Busse