Keywords = Efficiency
Measuring Active Purchasing in Healthcare: Analysing Reallocations of Funds Between Providers to Evaluate Purchasing Systems Performance in the Netherlands

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-12


Niek Waltherus Stadhouders; Xander Koolman; Marit A.C. Tanke; Hans Maarse; Patrick P.T. Jeurissen

Portuguese Primary Healthcare and Prevention Quality Indicators for Diabetes Mellitus – A Data Envelopment Analysis

Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2022, Pages 1725-1734


Andre Ramalho; Julio Souza; Pedro Castro; Mariana Lobo; Paulo Santos; Alberto Freitas

Community Health Center Efficiency. The Impact of Organization Design and Local Context: The Case of Indonesia

Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2022, Pages 1197-1207


Suwatin Miharti; Rafael Wittek; Bart Los; Liesbet Heyse

Progressive Realisation of Universal Health Coverage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Beyond the “Best Buys”

Volume 10, Special Issue on WHO-CHOICE Update, November 2021, Pages 697-705


Melanie Y. Bertram; Jeremy A. Lauer; Karin Stenberg; Ambinintsoa H. Ralaidovy; Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer