The Use (or rather the non-Use) of Cost-Effectiveness Data in Priority Setting Decisions – Are We Underestimating the Barriers to Using Health Economics in Real World Priority Setting Decisions?; Comment on “Use of Cost-Effectiveness Data in Priority Setting Decisions: Experiences from the National Guidelines for Heart Diseases in Sweden”

Document Type : Commentary


LEO Pharma A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark


After having practicing and researching health economics for nearly 15 years now, it has become clear to me that the use of cost-effectiveness data in priority setting decisions is rather a rare than a common practice. The Eckard et al.article though, describes a wonderful exception to this rule and a very good example of how it can be used when the conditions are right. However, do we fully understand what these conditions are? In this commentary article I will address some of the institutional and cultural conditions that need to be fulfilled in order for cost-effectiveness data to actually be used in priority setting decisions.


Main Subjects

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