Keywords = Health Policy
COVID-19: A Window of Opportunity for Positive Healthcare Reforms

Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2020, Pages 419-422


Stefan Auener; Danielle Kroon; Erik Wackers; Simone van Dulmen; Patrick Jeurissen

COVID-19 Control: Can Germany Learn From China?

Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2020, Pages 432-435


Olaf Müller; Guangyu Lu; Albrecht Jahn; Oliver Razum

Achievements of the Cochrane Iran Associate Centre: Lessons Learned

Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages 222-228


Bita Mesgarpour; Sara Aghababa; Hamid Reza Baradaran; Payam Kabiri; Ali Kabir; Ahmad Sofi-Mahmudi; Ali Akbar Haghdoost

Universal Pharmacare in Canada: A Prescription for Equity in Healthcare

Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 91-95


Mohammad Hajizadeh; Sterling Edmonds

Meeting the Challenge of Diabetes in China

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 47-52


Zhen Luo; Guilhem Fabre; Victor G. Rodwin

Revisiting the Relationship Between Systems of Innovation and Health Systems: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 45-46


Pascale Lehoux; Federico Roncarolo; Hudson Silva; Antoine Boivin; Jean-Louis Denis; Rejean Hebert

Perceptions of Community Involvement in the Peruvian Mental Health Reform Process Among Clinicians and Policy-Makers: A Qualitative Study

Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2019, Pages 711-722


Jose A. Arriola-Vigo; Jeffrey G. Stovall; Troy D. Moon; Carolyn M. Audet; Francisco Diez-Canseco

Challenges and Prospects for Integrating the Assessment of Health Impacts in the Licensing Process of Large Capital Project in Brazil

Volume 7, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 885-888


Sandra de Souza Hacon; André Reynaldo Santos Périssé; Jean Simos; Nicola Luca Cantoreggi; Mirko Severin Winkler

Reporting of Financial and Non-financial Conflicts of Interest in Systematic Reviews on Health Policy and Systems Research: A Cross Sectional Survey

Volume 7, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 711-717


Lama Bou-Karroum; Maram B. Hakoum; Mira Z. Hammoud; Assem M. Khamis; Mounir Al-Gibbawi; Sanaa Badour; Divina Justina Hasbani; Luciane Cruz Lopes; Hebah M. El-Rayess; Fadi El-Jardali; Gordon Guyatt; Elie A. Akl

Eating or Feeding Our Young: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Volume 7, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 479-480


Terrence Sullivan; Vidhi Thakkar

Why Learning How to Chase Butterflies Matters: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 286-287


Pascale Lehoux; Fiona A. Miller; Geneviève Daudelin; Jean-Louis Denis