Keywords = Health Technology Assessment
Institutional Priority-Setting for Novel Drugs and Therapeutics: A Qualitative Systematic Review

Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-9


Daniel E. Wang; Maram Hassanein; Yasmeen Razvi; Randi Zlotnik Shaul; Avram Denburg

Assessing Global Evidence on Cost-Effectiveness to Inform Development of Pakistan’s Essential Package of Health Services

Volume 13, Special Issue on Pakistan’s Progress on UHC, 2024, Pages 1-9


Maryam Huda; Nichola Kitson; Nuru Saadi; Saira Kanwal; Urooj Gul; Maarten Jansen; Sergio Torres-Rueda; Rob Baltussen; Ala Alwan; Sameen Siddiqi; Anna Vassall

What, Where, and How to Collect Real-World Data and Generate Real-World Evidence to Support Drug Reimbursement Decision-Making in Asia: A reflection Into the Past and A Way Forward

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-9


Sarin Kc; Lydia Wenxin Lin; Diana Beatriz Samson Bayani; Yaroslava Zemlyanska; Amanda Adler; Jeonghoon Ahn; Kelvin Chan; Dechen Choiphel; Anne Julienne Genuino-Marfori; Brendon Kearney; Yuehua Liu; Ryota Nakamura; Fiona Pearce; Shankar Prinja; Raoh-Fang Pwu; Arsul Akmal Shafie; Binyan Sui; Auliya Suwantika; Sean Tunis; Hui-Min Wu; John Zalcberg; Kun Zhao; Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai; Yot Teerawattananon; Hwee-Lin Wee

The Role of Regulator-Imposed Post-Approval Studies in Health Technology Assessments for Conditionally Approved Drugs

Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2022, Pages 642-650


Rick A. Vreman; Lourens T. Bloem; Stijn van Oirschot; Jarno Hoekman; Menno E. van der Elst; Hubert GM Leufkens; Olaf H. Klungel; Wim G. Goettsch; Aukje K. Mantel-Teeuwisse

Ethical and Social Values for Paediatric Health Technology Assessment and Drug Policy

Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 374-382


Avram E. Denburg; Mita Giacomini; Wendy Ungar; Julia Abelson

Experiences of Using Cochrane Systematic Reviews by Local HTA Units

Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 112-117


Thomas G. Poder; Marc Rhainds; Christian A. Bellemare; Simon Deblois; Imane Hammana; Catherine Safianyk; Sylvie St-Jacques; Pierre Dagenais

A Process for Evaluating Quality Decision-Making Practices During the Development, Review and Reimbursement of Medicines

Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 128-137


Magdalena Bujar; Neil McAuslane; Stuart Walker; Sam Salek

Exploratory, Participatory and Iterative Assessment of Value: A Response to Recent Commentaries

Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 42-44


Janneke P.C. Grutters; Tim M. Govers; Jorte Nijboer; Marcia Tummers; Gert Jan van der Wilt; Maroeska M. Rovers

Comparing 3 Approaches for Making Vaccine Adoption Decisions in Thailand

Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2020, Pages 439-447


Waranya Rattanavipapong; Ritika Kapoor; Yot Teerawattananon; Jos Luttjeboer; Siobhan Botwright; Rachel A. Archer; Birgitte Giersing; Raymond C. W. Hutubessy